Such is life.
Week before last was a great week. I finished the Keep on Pushin' Challenge and raised over $1000 for a local homeless shelter, with generous donations from friends and family. I also got to deliver $1500 worth of checks to two local PTAs as part of another project I'm involved in.
Another victory was convincing a local principal to allow a karate program in her school. She was anti, until we talked about how, instead of contributing to behavior problems, a good karate class will actually reduce those problems.
Victories all around. And I got to finish the week by spending two days training with Phil Porter, a former US Olympic Judo coach.
This week, I've been on my damn back with the Martian Death Flu. Can't talk. Get dizzy if I stand up. Plus I think I lost a student over having to cancel some private lessons.
Such is life.